Canadian Club Hide a Case in Tonga
April 13 (Canada) April 14 (Tonga).News just in from Tonga that Kristina Beall of Team USA has found the hidden case of Canadian Club whisky and won $100,000 for her efforts. Congratulations Kristina! This story has generated a lot of interest at, but we're going back to writing reviews. For those who want the very latest updates, the best sources are the official Hide-A-Case website and the Canadian Club facebook page.Eight adventurers set out from the Hiram Walker distillery in Walkerville, Ontario on Friday, April 8, headed for the Kingdom of Tonga to search for a hidden case of Canadian Club whisky. But it is not thirst that takes them to this peaceful South Pacific paradise of 176 islands, and just over 100,000 souls. No, it’s money. Under the guidance of The Thirsty Traveler, Kevin Brauch, four Canadians and four Americans will compete to find the hidden whisky and earn a $100,000 reward for its return.
One of the eight contestants, Ontario College of Art design student, Alex Short, will stay on in the South Pacific for five months after his week-long adventure has ended. Who knows what other experiences may come his way, but we thought it might be fun to have Alex send dispatches to describing his encounters with any Canadian whisky he comes across in his South Pacific escapade. Although he is the youngest member of the octet, Alex is no newcomer to adventure. He has worked in the Bahamas on a tourist dive boat where he regularly swam alongside hammerhead and nurse sharks. He’s a worthy contestant too: his favourite whisky is Canadian Club Sherry Cask.
The Kingdom of Tonga is the only South Pacific country that has not been colonized by Europeans and even today, more than 98% of its residents are native Tongans. It is odd, but true, that approximately half of these islanders are adept jugglers – it’s a skill learned at an early age by Tongan girls, but not the boys.In support of Alex and his quest, April 11 to 15 is Canadian Club Whisky week on Each day we’ll publish reviews of various Canadian Club whiskies while we wait for Alex to send his dispatches. With more than two thirds of the Tongan islands uninhabited we’re not too hopeful he’ll have an internet connection until after the competition has ended.
Alex' favourite whisky, Canadian Club 8 year old Sherry Cask, reviewed here.Canadian Club 10 year old Reserve reviewed here.Canadian Club 12 year old Classic reviewed here.Canadian Club 15 year old reviewed here.Canadian Club 20 year old reviewed here.Canadian Club 150th Anniversary 30 year old reviewed here.Official Tonga Government Tourism Bureau here.Canadian Club's links to royalty and Tonga here.